When Design Saves Lives
The Client
PinnacleHealth, a health system in Central Pennsylvania
The Assignment
Design a billboard campaign to run during Heart Month to raise awareness about the signs of heart attack and disease among adults age 40 and older.
Desired Outcome: Reach out to PinnacleHealth’s CardioVascular Institute for more information.
The Decision Point
When including the call to action on the billboard, the research (pre- and post-visit survey questions) showed that the target audience’s preferred method of contact was via phone.
The client, having recently updated their website, requested a website call-to-action. The research, paired with the billboard location off the side of a highway, indicated a phone number would be a more effective call-to-action.
I designed the billboard to include both the website and the phone number.
The Plot Twist
Greg. 47. Office worker. Avid golfer.
On his way into work, Greg noticed that the pain point indicated on the billboard as a sign of a potential heart problem was the same area as (what he thought was) muscle soreness from a particularly challenging round of golf.
Using the hands-free calling feature in his car, Greg read the phone number off the billboard, connecting him to the Cardiovascular Institute and, ultimately, the surgeon that would perform open-heart surgery to treat a previously undiagnosed major heart condition.

The Result
After successfully recovering from heart surgery, Greg agreed to be the face of the next CardioVascular Institute campaign – as long as the phone number was on the billboards, of course.
I designed the billboards for this follow-up campaign, as well as web advertisements.