Wild About A Redesign
The Brand
Spelling You See, a homeschool spelling curriculum
The Assignment
Update the design of Level C, Wild Tales, to cater to older students and increase accessibility of instruction for lesson administration and troubleshooting.
Desired Outcome: Increased customer retention between Level C and Level D.
The Decision Point
When analyzing survey results from customers who had abandoned Spelling You See after Level C, the research indicated students considered the beginning lessons (utilizing nursery rhymes) and the illustrations to be “babyish,” and instructors didn’t know how to troubleshoot student issues, resulting in them abandoning the level mid-year.
Live observations of lesson administration revealed that the Instructor’s Handbook, even though it contained exact instructions for administering the lessons and resources for troubleshooting when students had difficulties with a lesson, sat unread 80% of the time.
I reviewed the existing Instructor’s Handbook content with the Lead Editor, and made recommendations on reflowing, reformatting, and rewriting the content to make it more accessible for instructors. I also updated the design of the student and instructor books after coordinating file hand-off with the illustrator.
The Result
In a beta testing group of customers who had previously abandoned Wild Tales mid-year, 80% successfully completed the entire program, and instructor frustration levels reduced by 40%.
The redesign of Wild Tales will be available for purchase Fall 2022, and redesigns of Instructor Handbooks for all other levels of Spelling You See are in progress.